Taste Is the Lack of Appetite is an exhibition on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of GRAFT and celebrates the curiosity for the special, the unique, and the unexpected.
The exhibition features a selection of residential, mixed-use and cultural buildings, each of which reflects the firm’s exemplary design strategies. In line with its multifaceted work, the show also sheds light on the topic of Architecture Activism and presents a prototype of the community-building Solarkiosk.
The first room of the exhibition is dedicated to the Solarkiosk, which, as a contemporarily designed intervention in remote regions of Africa, ensures a supply of energy, connectivity, and communication by means of clean solar energy and a sustainable, post-colonial social model.
Since its establishment in Los Angeles in 1998, GRAFT has become increasingly aware that the built environment can and must make a significant contribution to people’s happiness and quality of life. In light of the ongoing crises in the world, until today, the partners of GRAFT, Sven Fuchs, Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz, Georg Schmidthals, and Thomas Willemeit, see themselves called upon to take action.
In the second room of the exhibition, six different buildings are presented in an exemplary way, reduced to their core message, by means of large-format models. The projects – new buildings and revitalisations in the historical context – are concrete results of the abstract design strategies of Lofting, Tracing, Voxelization, Sectioning, Weaving and Carving.
Exhibition Catalogue
Taste Is the Lack of Appetite
ISBN 978-3-943615-82-1
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PUBLISHER // Kristin Feireiss and Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Aedes Architecture Forum
GRAFT TEAM // Maria Ludewig, Julia Metzger
TEXTS BY // Sven Fuchs, Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz, Georg Schmidthals, Thomas Willemeit, Alma Grossen
GRAPHIC DESIGN // GRAFT Brandlab: Prof. Nikolaus Hafermaas, Harold Kohn
PREPRESS, TYPESETTING // Proxi Design: Christian Schärmer, Reinhard Steger
TRANSLATION // Gareth Davies
PRINTING // Europrint Medien GmbH, Berlin
The exhibition in the press:
For more information: www.aedes-arc.de
Fancy more? The GRAFT Behind the Scenes Thank You feature introduces the employees involved in the concept and narrates the process of creating the exhibition.
Patricia Parinejad Photography
JUNG | Object Carpet | Schüco | Trilux | Trockland
Graft Brandlab | FSB | Grohe | VOLA | Bockhorner Klinkerziegelei