DBZ Launch Event at GRAFTLAB - Issue partnership 03/25 BETON

DBZ Launch Event

GRAFT is celebrating its sponsorship of the 03/2025 issue of the German construction magazine DBZ on the topic of CONCRETE with a launch event at GRAFTLAB. Concrete experts will be guests and talk about the contemporary use of this versatile and efficient building material.

As a reinterpretation of concrete, the GRAFTLAB will provide both a backdrop and a focus topic and serve as a starting point for discussion. The architecture firm Nieto Sobejano is the author of one of the concrete projects selected by GRAFT for this edition and will present its ADA project. The engineering office Schlaich Bergermann Partner, together with the concrete manufacturers of the Thomas Gruppe, will talk about the genesis of the material-saving concrete cap slab concap. The participants will then be invited to discuss current issues relating to concrete in a panel discussion.

We look forward to welcoming participants from the architectural community and the public and hope to see a lively exchange of ideas at our premises!

Location: GRAFTLAB, Invalidenstr. 5, 10115
Time: Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 7:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: thomas gruppe & InformationsZentrum Beton