GRAFT founding partner Thomas Willemeit speaks at "Zukunft Nahverkehr"

GRAFT founding partner Thomas Willemeit was on stage today with spatial and transport planner Thomas Hug ( as speaker at "GEMEINSAM STATT EINSAM: POLISMOBILITY AUF DER #ZNV23".

At the polisMOBILITY event, questions about shared mobility and the growing quality of life associated with it were answered.
The event takes place as part of the "ZUKUNFT NAHVERKEHR" experience exhibition, conference and marketplace organized by DB Regio in Berlin and focuses on the urban mobility revolution.
In more than 150 program items, the format combines development potentials of the future of local transport with urban planning aspects.

Für more information:

The events will take place between September 4-9, 2023 at STATION Berlin.