GRAFT Interview for "Berliner Staedtebaugespraeche"

Tune in! GRAFT founding partner Lars Krückeberg is this week's guest on the interview format "Berliner Städtebaugespräche".

Streaming Thursday, Feb. 24, 7 p.m. at:

In conversation with Rudolf Spindler, he advocates for a "porous city" that is accessible to all citizens, and opposes any form of dogmatism and ideology in the way the city is viewed. "Berlin can be conservative and classic and at the same time new and modern: It is precisely this interplay that creates friction and energy - and ultimately a complex city with a lot of quality of life."

The "Berliner Staedtebaugespraeche" (Berlin Urban Planning Dialogues) are part of the project "Unvollendete Metropole" (Unfinished Metropolis of the Association of Architects and Engineers of Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. (AIV) - with important stakeholders whose positions stimulate reflection and further discussion.