GRAFT goes science

In cooperation with the hospital Charité Berlin, GRAFT released an article about noise reduction in intensive care units (ICU) that describes the measurable benefits of a reduced noise environment.
The paper was published by IPEM (Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine) in Psychological Measurements (IOPsience).
Together with the partners from Charité Berlin, GRAFT founding partners Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz, and Thomas Willemeit, developed a parametric spatial design to reduce detectable stress-inducing factors such as noise, light, disorientation and the lack of privacy, the design was supposed to enable a measurable improvement of the healing process and therefore a significant reduction of the occurrence of delirium and cognitive long-term damages.
The interior concept creates a homely atmosphere through its soft and flowing forms, the use of large surfaces and dark wood floor, indirect light and individually controllable lighting systems. Technical equipment and supply lines were arranged to suit the workflows and still disappear visually from the patient’s perception.