GRAFT @ Tiny Bauhaus Salon VI

On April 21st DOM Publisher is holding an event at Bauhaus Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung. The reason for this event is their recent publication “Handbuch und Planungshilfe – Flüchtlingsbauten: von der Notunterkunft zum kostengünstigen Wohnungsbau”.
GRAFT contributed their project HEIMAT2 to this publication. Dr. Lore Mühlbauer (Architect and Co-Publisher) and Yasser Shretah (Architect and Co-Publisher) were quite interested in the idea behind this project and invited founding partner Lars Krückeberg to participate in the discussion.
Together with Dr. Margaretha Sudhof (Secretary of State, Senate for Finances, Berlin), Melanie Karbasch (Architect, Salzburg), Van Bo Le-Mentzel (Founder oft he Tinyhouse university und Curator of the Bauhaus Campus Berlin) as well as Dr. Philipp Meuser (Architect and Publisher) he will discuss recent and future challenges of the refugee movement. The discussion will be presented by Katharina Stahlhoven (Curator Tiny Bauhaus Salon).