Kick-Off-Event to the “Tag der Architektur 2017” @ BRLO BRWHOUSE

During the “Tag der Architektur” (Day of the Architecture) GRAFT offers three guided tours through one of our recently finished projects. The “Tag der Architektur “has its safe mark in most calendars of architecture-enthusiasts. Since the amount of projects grew during the years the period of time increased too, from one to actually two days. June 24th and 25th. On both days architecture offices open their offices or show their recently finished projects to the public. GRAFT partakes as well and presents the BRLO Brwhouse, a brewery and tavern at the same time, whose design is based on oversea-container.
The Architektenkammer Berlin (architectural association Berlin) organised a panel discussion regarding the topic Architecture and Acceptance. The event takes place on June 20th, from 3 to 5 pm in the public area of the young brewing company BRLO. Alongside with GRAFT founding partner Lars Krückeberg, Katrin Lompscher (Senator for urban development and living), Florian Schmidt (local politician responsible for building, planning and Facility Management in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg), Matthias Bauer (Quartiersrat Schöneberger Norden) and Benita Braun-Feldweg (Architect), discuss about the future culture of building in Berlin. The panel will be hosted by Uwe Rade (editor taz) and Christine Edmaier (President of “Architektenkammer Berlin”).
The fact that new housing solutions have to be built is not up for debate, everyone agrees on that. The question that causes conflict is where the new projects are going to be built. What kind of participation modells for the public is adviceable for the future regarding the designing and building? These topics will be discussed by the experts on the panel.
You are welcome to participate in this event. It is free of charge but due to the limited amount of seating space we kindly ask you to sign up for the event on this homepage: www. Please also state the number of people who are going to accompany you.
The discussion will be held in german.