Solarkiosk is part of the Ecodesign Roadshow

Solarkiosk is going to be presented within the Ecodesign Roadshow at the "Reconsider Design" exhibition, which occurs during the opening of the Gdynia Design Days 2017 on the 30th of June 2017. The location of the event is the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park in Gdynia, Poland.
Alongside of Solarkiosk, 29 other successful examples of ecological Design from the Baltic Sea Area are going to be presented. The aim of the Ecodesign Roadshow is to make Ecodesign more common and to support the substitution of knowledge and experience among each other. In addtion to that belongs the travelling exhibtion, which includes forward-looking products and ideas of different types. Alongside the exhibtion occur three lectures and a discussion (in Polish) with the theme Ecodesign.
Gdynia Design Days 2017: 30th of Juni - 9th of July
Opening: 30th of June, from 18h00
with curator guidanced tour at 20h00
Entry free
For more information and the program, go to