We mourn the death of our friend Prof. Joachim Sauter

Prof. Joachim Sauter
* 16.05.1959 † 10.07.2021
The much too early death of our dear friend and companion Joachim Sauter leaves a painful and unclosing gap. With him we lose a kindred spirit, a formative counterpart and an inspiring partner in numerous exhibition and research projects. In these days we think with gratitude of the many moments marked by shared enthusiasm, amazement, joyful creative search and much laughter.
As an internationally esteemed media artist and university lecturer, Joachim was one of the world's most important masterminds of the connection between digital development and interactive art, between physical and virtual space. As a person, as a friend and partner, we will miss him so much - but he will also remain a role model, an example to always move on and never give up hope. What he gave us and many companions will connect us to him without limits.
Joachim has not only influenced our thinking and work, he has left a deep mark in our hearts.
Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz, Thomas Willemeit and the entire GRAFT team
A more detailed letter of condolence was written in German. This is an abbreviated version.