GRAFT at Deutsche Bank exhibition "Stadtsinne"
The Alfred Herrhausen Society and the Deutsche Bank KunstHalle invited GRAFT to design a sculpture interpreting the topic „StadtErtasten“ (“touching the city shape”). Yesterday it was displayed within the program of „STADTSINNE. Stadt sehen, riechen, schmecken, hören und anfassen!“ (See, smell, taste, hear and touch the city!) of the “Xenopolis” exhibition in the Deutsche Bank KunstHalle in Berlin. Together with productions of the sound artist Christopher Dell and the smell researcher Sissel Tolaas, the GRAFT sculpture was presented on the Phantom Table and provided the opportunity, to experience the city of Berlin with all senses. The door handle cubes were created in cooperation with FSB – Franz Schneider Brakel GmbH.
The exhibition “Xenopolis” focuses on the city as a living organism and is presented as part of the event series “STADT/BILD Image of a City“. The project is a consortium of leading Berlin exhibition halls.