GRAFT publication FUTOPOLIS. Stadt, Land, Zukunft out now

Since February 2018, the latest GRAFT publication FUTOPOLIS. Stadt, Land, Zukunft is available. Together with the Zukunftsinstitut, GRAFT is presenting a study that sheds light on the development of the megatrend urbanization and raises the question of the design of our living spaces in the future.
More and more people live in cities around the world, making them the most powerful actors and key problem solvers in a globalized world. Therefore, FUTOPOLIS not only captures changes and trend phenomena in large cities, but also shares a view into urban as well as rural habitats as places of identity. In both places, open and forward-looking thinking are crucial.
The connectedness of cities so called "Smart Cities" currently arise high hopes for an evolution, because a smart city by definition includes all important aspects for a livable city: information, connectivity, mobility, security and sustainability.
This creates new opportunities, though technology alone is not sufficient. Challenges for the next stages of urban evolution are alternative housing solutions, new technical and social infrastructures, improving mobility and promoting culture, education and health.